
Enhancing Communication: a Simple Guide to Your Most Pressing Challenges

Effective communication is a cornerstone of leadership and business success. It's not just about transmitting information- it's about building relationships, fostering trust, and facilitating collaboration.

As leaders and business owners, navigating conversations with employees, clients, and even rectifying missteps is vital to your success AND your sustainability. In this post, I share strategies for providing constructive feedback, setting boundaries with clients, and making amends when things don't go as planned (which just so happen to be the top 3 communication-related challenges I discuss with my Clients).


Providing Constructive Feedback to Employees

Feedback is a valuable tool for fostering growth, yet delivering it effectively is an art. This is one of the most common topics I discuss with my Clients. 

Here are a few tips on providing effective feedback:

  • Preface the Hard Stuff: State "I'm about to share some difficult feedback." This helps set the tone vs. catching someone off-guard. You can also say "It's not the favorite part of my job, but it's important to me that I do my job."
    • I also like to add "If I don't share this with you, I'm also doing you a disservice and not helping you become a better version of you." (helps the person on the receiving end to receive)
  • Be Specific and Objective: Focus on specific behaviors rather than personal attributes. Use concrete examples and factual data to illustrate your points.
  • Foster a Two-Way Conversation: Feedback should be a dialogue, not a monologue. Take a curious approach and encourage employees to share their perspectives. They can get involved in creating a roadmap for improvement.
  • Highlight Strengths: Balancing the hard-to-say critiques with recognition of strengths builds confidence and reinforces positive behavior in others.
  • Offer Support: Make it clear that your goal is to help them grow. Offer resources, guidance, training and regular check-ins to help them improve.


Setting Boundaries with Clients

This is another common topic discussed with Clients. Boundaries are essential for maintaining healthy business relationships and ensuring you can serve your clients effectively, without burning out.

Here are a few tips on setting boundaries with Clients:

  • Communicate Clearly and Proactively: Set expectations early in the relationship about your availability, response times, and scope of work. Then, uphold these boundaries.
  • Be Consistent: Apply your policies uniformly to all clients to build trust and avoid misunderstandings.
  • Learn to Say No: Politely declining requests that fall outside agreed terms protects your time and resources. Offer alternatives where possible. And remember all the service-providers who have boundaries that YOU respect? (your hairdresser) Yep, do what they do- just say NO.
  • Reinforce Boundaries with Positivity: Frame boundaries in a way that emphasizes your commitment to providing a quality service and mutual respect. Saying something hard with a smile somehow makes it easier.


Making Amends 

Sometimes, you go in with great intention or you're caught off-guard and communication goes sideways. Mistakes happen for even the most exemplary human. How you handle them, moving forward, can define your leadership and set the tone for future communication.

Here are a few tips on making amends when things don't go as planned:

  • Acknowledge and Apologize: Start by asking for a "re-do." Take full responsibility for your actions without making excuses. A sincere apology can go a long way in repairing trust.
  • Understand the Impact: Reflect on how you presented yourself and seek to understand how your actions affected others. This demonstrates empathy and a commitment to making things right.
  • Take Corrective Action: Share your intentions for how you are actively working to avoid similar mistakes in the future. This might involve changing your approach or implementing new policies.
  • Give It Time: Trust is rebuilt through consistent, positive interactions over time. Be patient and remain committed to your new course of action.


Effective communication is pivotal for leaders and business owners, which is why strengthening your communication skills is so important. Using these tips to provide constructive feedback, set clear boundaries, and make amends with grace, you can build stronger relationships from more productive communication.



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