
A Simple Shift to Boost Your Energy

Shifting Your Energy

It happens almost every time. I begin a coaching call with a Client, and they're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, to some degree. Their energy is low, however I know that's why we're on the call in the first place. 

Most of us move through life focusing on what we didn't do or didn't do well. This mentality literally draws more of that yuck energy TO you, sending you into a downward, negativity spiral. 

One of the primary purposes for Coaching is to help Clients shift their energy to a more positive and productive space so they can operate in creator-mode and move forward. 

How do I do that? The most simple way is to start the call with a WIN! When you focus on what you did do well, even to a small degree, you begin to send little sparks of positivity out into the Universe and those sparks multiply! 

Starting with a WIN puts Clients in a more positive frame of mind for the rest of the conversation, allowing them to explore whatever follows with a lens of kindness and curiosity towards themselves vs. more blame and shame (aka. judgement). When you are BEING a creator, you're OPEN to solutions, possibilities and opportunities GALORE!

One last idea to share...
What I know for sure is the stories we tell ourselves have power. Be mindful to CHOOSE a good feeling story. If you’re not feeling “in the mood” to be positive or happy, think about a “mood booster.” 
Mood Boosters are those happy memories you hold closest to your heart. These memories are with you every day, you just get busy and forget they’re available as a tool to help BOOST your mood (which is why mindfulness is so VITAL). Next time you’re feeling low, frustrated or bitter, be aware in that moment of your negative emotions. Then, CHOOSE a mood booster. Take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes. Draw the memory to the forefront of your mind and smile. Start to recall the memory in great detail. Use as many of your senses as possible to bring you back to that moment. Notice positive sensations take over your mind and body. And say THANK YOU.

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