
the roots group blog

articles to help you operate a better business and live a better life

Living In Your Values

As you navigate the journey of life, you (sometimes unknowingly) choose to orient around your wants, desires, needs or values. We all go through seasons in which one of these factors is the primary force influencing our way of being and doing in the world. What's interesting is- whatever force you choose to be driven by heavily impacts the level of satisfaction and fulfillment you're currently experiencing.

Wants and desires are...

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Guidance Towards Growth as a Business Owner

As a Personal and Professional Development Coach, it is my goal to help guide you towards growing yourself and your business with a positive and solution-based mindset.

What do my Clients have to say about their Coaching experience... 

My heart BURST with JOY when I read what Taylor, aka Plate and Canvas, had to say about her experience in my Group Coaching Program for Female Entrpreneurs...

"This program has...

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Iā€™ve been taking a breakā€¦

I went a little MIA! Did you even notice?

We hosted a party, celebrated the holidays with BOTH sides of our family and said goodbye to our week-long houseguests. It’s been a packed holiday season, and I’ve enjoyed setting the writing/content-creating part of my work aside for the past several weeks so that I could focus on what matters most- connecting with family and friends.

So much of my life is lived behind...

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Navigating This Journey Called Life

As a Personal and Professional Development Coach, it is my goal to help you shine a light on obstacles you may not see and gain clarity as you move forward in this journey called life.

What do my Clients have to say about their Coaching experience...

Here's a testimonial from my Client Melissa. She is a VIBRANT SOUL who has experienced quite a positive transformation since we started working together in 2020! I copy & pasted...

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The Reward is in The Review

Assessments have become quite popular. Most of us have engaged in some kind of an assessment, whether it's a requirement for work or because it's a popular craze that everyone's doing. From Enneagram and Myers Briggs to DISC and 16 Personalities, people love to share and compare their results.

Results can be fascinating and fun, inspiring people to walk away from analyzing assessment results with the best of intentions: I'm going to...

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Breathe Your Way to Better

Breathing techniques can be valuable for overcoming the obstacles we face in daily life. Whether it's anxiety, stress, or anything that throws you off balance throughout the day, a technique known as "box breathing" might be just the tool you need! 
Simply put, box breathing is a technique used to calm your nervous system down. Use a four second rotation of breathing in, holding your breath, breathing out and holding your...
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Are you Ready to Create Your 2022 Vision?

Introducing a NEW! Workshop designed to help you reflect & acknowledge where you've been, so you can clear & pave a path to where you want to go. Create an inspiring, empowering, one-of-a-kind plan that will ultimately help you transform your vision into reality!

You might be feeling like you want something MORE out of life. Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed or like life is passing you by. 

You might feel...

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Have a More Enjoyable Holiday Season

Are you scurrying around gathering gifts and decking your halls? 'Tis the season for hustle and bustle. Take a little pause to prime yourself emotionally and mentally, so that you can have a more enjoyable holiday season.

Here are 3 simple steps you can take to approach each day with a more positive, optimistic mindset:


I encourage you to start and end each day visualizing WHO you want to be as you engage with others...

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Get Clear About Your Priorities and Start Achieving Your Goals

As a Personal and Professional Development Coach, it is my goal to ask you thought-provoking questions that challenge you to better understand yourself.

What do my Clients have to say about their Coaching experience...

"During our calls, she challenged me by asking a series of questions that caused me to reflect on my current systems and processes, my ideal client, and what I want most from my business. She helped me gain a...

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What if You Practiced Gratitude Every Day?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, from my little family to yours!

It's Turkey Day- the one day of the year where everyone finds comfort in reflecting on thanks and gratitude.

Imagine yourself at the Thanksgiving table... You're sharing happy memories, moments of joy and acknowledging everything that's changed for the better over the past year. As you recall, you sink into the feelings associated with those moments and start feeling a rush of...

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Subscribe to Roots Weekly Wisdom- your regular dose of inspiration, motivation and actionable "things" you can do to operate a better business and live a better life!

Don't worry, I won't overload your inbox. I won't be "salesy." I'll be myself- real talk with a dose of humor.

I promise to keep it simple, easy to read and succinct.Ā I'll offer growth exercises (both business and life), points to ponder and action steps to take, all so you canĀ move forward and grow, in some way. I'll also share new program launches, registration dates andĀ "subscriber-only" discounts ( I love showing gratitude for those who subscribe AND engage).Ā 

Whatever theĀ message, you can trustĀ my intention is always helping YOU operate aĀ better business and live a better life!